Sunday, February 25, 2007

United Colours of Bollaram

I am so f***ing jobless! :(

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What not to do in an IIM interview

Hopefully not, but possibly yes, I could write a book, and not just a blog, on the topic, post mid-April!

Postscript: What not do to the day after you have done what was not to be done at an IIM interview: Spend the day with Baap, after not having slept for the night because you had an early morning flight to take, still dazed and confused, and not just by all the calls that have been coming in since morning, making you feel almost bashful everytime you acknowledge 'thank you, can I call you later?', even as baap rumbles on and off.

Oh, and did I just mention being tucked away from morning to evening in the conference room as an added perk?

Post-postscript: Especially not if the day after..... happens to be your birthday!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Straight reflections of the opposite kind

Spotted somewhere in Bollaram

I sure have a weird sense of humour :D

Friday, February 02, 2007

B'(D-)day blues

It is that time of the year again.

And I am sick of being helpfully (and knowledgeably) communicated the virtues of being born on valentine’s ever since class 6th. It just isn’t funny anymore.

Alternating between a blazing flame and flickering cinders for success, I suddenly seem to be running out of clues again. And the same old helpless feeling returns. Sometimes.

Underneath the smiling, mocking face and the sharp stinging comments, lies a desert of supreme desolation and loneliness. Partly self created, partly imposed, it continues to hold sway. Any signs of life are quickly dismissed as mirage. Some linger long enough for me to get close and then figure it out. The dimples hide the desire to open one’s arms, open oneself and reach out. Or maybe, the phantasm which I had created to help me reach over and survive seems to have enslaved me, condemning never to reach out. Either way, there is only one loser.

Bhadra was the kind of place that chipped away at your sanity. Bollaram is the kind of place, which is taking a toll on my humanity. Of course, the once-a-while volcanic eruption of the desolate lava underneath an animated, assured surface does not exactly help, for it is but a stark reminder, laughing at your face as it shows but a glimpse of what lies beneath. Chilling thought.

(Sh)it happens, they say. Some people sure seem to have a balance conjured. Most don’t. Looks like I am the last of the lot.

Or maybe it is just that I m too drunk even as I type this. Yeah, THAT time of the year.

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