Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What not to do in an IIM interview

Hopefully not, but possibly yes, I could write a book, and not just a blog, on the topic, post mid-April!

Postscript: What not do to the day after you have done what was not to be done at an IIM interview: Spend the day with Baap, after not having slept for the night because you had an early morning flight to take, still dazed and confused, and not just by all the calls that have been coming in since morning, making you feel almost bashful everytime you acknowledge 'thank you, can I call you later?', even as baap rumbles on and off.

Oh, and did I just mention being tucked away from morning to evening in the conference room as an added perk?

Post-postscript: Especially not if the day after..... happens to be your birthday!


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