Potter Freak-o-nama
You know you are a Potter freak when --
- You simply wish you could do the bat bogey hex on anyone who even remotely vexes you.
- After climbing three flights of stairs, you remember that the keys are lying downstairs, and you mouth Alohomora, without a thought to the neighbour's curious glance.
- Whenever your root-canalled tooth aches, you seriously consider the possibility of someone really really dark and evil getting angry somewhere.
- You begin to believe Calvin's my-teachers-are-space-aliens theory, and you add on an Imperius curse for good measures.
- You suspect a death eater beneath any lower-than-usually-worn P-cap.
- You wish you could accio your way to good food.
- You hope to god that expelliarmus works, whenever someone walks in the room and grabs the remote to change your favourite channel.
- You fervently hope that there's a sorting hat behind the allocations into section A,B,C,D. Come to think of it, even the sections could use better names.
- Everytime the BRacket alert goes ping-ping, it reminds you of a sneakoscope (sigh!)
- With an obvious choice of reading chapter 8 for an economics exam 2 hours hence on 21st July, you chose to read the opening chapters of the Deathly Hallows instead.