Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Food for Thought?

I don't have much to write, with things settling into such a rhythm when in full flow that often the only feature to distinguish between the days is when the weekend arrives.

An aside, but we defeated both IIMA and IIMK in our annual sports meet over the last two weekends. With an earlier defeat of IIMC in their homeground in first term, this makes it three victories in a row! Or to be precise, as some of the slogans that were being shouted after our victory last weekend, "B-Schools ka Raja kaun" "Bangalore, Bangalore!" :D Hats off to all the sportspersons!

And now for the real purpose of the blog. There is hardly much these days that comes by your eyes which you might savor reading or recall with relish. I stumbled upon one of them a few days back.

Q: What's the only thing worse to being bad (either in your thoughts, capabilities or actions)?
A: Not knowing that you are.

Loaded statement, this one. I just stopped and didn't move for a minute. There is so much that these little words put together convey. Or so I thought.

Another aside, but watched Pan's Labyrinth of late. Absolutely beautiful piece of cinema. (I don't allude to the grossness in the movie, but the way the movie is made :P) A highly recommended watch.


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